Thanks again from Meningitis Now and myself (James) for the £304 raised from the last Gives Back event at The Bedford last November
Thanks again to
Jackson Lake
Mr Paul Adams
Tennessee Twin
Wood Burnt Red
April Moon
Andy Hewitt
Savannah Gardner
James White & The Wild Fire
The Rising
Annabel Lyle
Isobel Thatcher
Tricia Longford
Sammie Soravia
Thomas Kavanagh
Taynee Lord
Reya Jayne
Alexander McKay
James Dunne
Tu-kay & Ryan
Fin Pearson
Dave Sutherland
Laura Beckwith
Luke Edney
Neeve Zahra
Leanne Brumfitt
Guy Surtees
Becoming Branches
for playing, everyone else involved in the event and to anyone who donated.
See you at the next event on Sunday 7th April. Tickets available at https://www.wegottickets.com/event/600543.